音乐播放器守护程序(MPD)是用于播放音乐的灵活而强大的服务器端应用程序。通过插件和库,它可以播放各种声音文件,并受其网络协议控制。为了与 mpd 进行交互,需要一个客户端程序。 demo-image 最常用的客户端应用程序是: n more -
arch department use teamviewer
Teamviewer is a simple and fast solution that can be used for remote control of application in the background of any fir more -
基本概念 对象:任何一个对象都应该具备两个要素 -- 属性 行为 在 C++ 中每个对象都要数据(体现了属性)和函数(用来对数据进行操作,实现功能)两部分组成. 类: 具有共性的实体的抽象. 类是对象的抽象,不占有内存. 对象是类的特 more -
Interesting plugin in linux
If you are a programer, then you must know the Linux system. Even it's your main working environment. So can we have som more -
fish shell, young people's shell
what's fish? fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for macOS, Linux, and the rest of the family. fish inc more -
How to make Hexo support mathematical formulas
Mathematical formulas are often used when we blog. But we will find bugs in Hexo's support for mathematical formulas. By more -
How to build your blog use hexo + github
Building a personal blog is simpler than it seems
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I have recently studied the database again, so take a note
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Hive 使用命令总结
最近用到 hive,这里做个笔记. hive 的 hql 的使用总结也算的上七七八八了. 以后在补充吧.
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部署 hive
如何一步步的搭建 Hive, 选择 MySQL 作为元仓库, 并解决一些搭建过程中遇到的问题. Hive 版本为: 2.3.6